Talking Help


Counselling is a talking therapy aiming to help clients understand, accept or change behaviour patterns or aspects of their personality which no longer serves them. This can begin with a minimum of 6 sessions or to be done in longer term work.

What conditions can it help?

Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Substance Misuse, Sexual Problems, Relational Problems, Phobias

What are the benefits of counselling?

Clients can learn more about themselves and develop practical tools to help them with their problems e.g. breathing exercise, alcohol/food diary, sensate focus etc. By engaging with these processes the client often starts to feel better.
I also use EMDR (Eye Movement Desensation and Reprocessing) as a therapeutic tool.


I have gained my Diploma in Suprervision in 2010 from Metanoia Insitute. I supervised at West London Centre for Counselling and the centre for people who suffer domestic violence. I also offer private supervision either for groups or for individuals.

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